NAIG Council Board & Annual General Meeting

November 28, 2013

NAIG Council Board of Directors and Annual General Meeting

November 15-17, 2013

Hosted by the Seminole Tribe of Florida

Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Hollywood, FL, USA

The NAIG Council met in Hollywood, Florida USA, graciously hosted by Region 12, USA lead by the Seminole Tribe of Florida.  The agenda included a board meeting with the committees and partners presenting progress reports to the board.  The last day was reserved for the Annual General Meeting.

The agenda included reports from the Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Constitution Committee, Sport & Technical Committee, NAIG Bid Committee and the  Regina 2014 NAIG Host Society.

There were also presentations made by sponsors recruited by the Seminole Tribe which included; 3n2 Sports (, Press on Sports Consultants ( and the Native Learning Centre (

The Seminole Tribe of Florida and NAIG Council wishes to acknowledge these sponsors for the contribution to hosting the meeting and for their informative presentations.

Nike’s N7 Program was also on hand to make a short presentation to NAIG Council on the last day of our meeting.

A highlight for the weekend involved a progress report from the Regina 2014 NAIG Host Society.  The host society is required by the hosting standards and hosting agreement to provide a comprehensive progress report for the period of April 2013 to November 2013.  The presentation was well received and the Host Society has met all the hosting standards and contractual obligations to date.

Highlights for the Regina 2014 NAIG Host Society;

  • Governance structures and functions in place, full volunteer board of directors in place from representative organizations and groups.
  • All senior management positions (up to 10) and several Coordinator positions have been filled.  Total staffing complement to date is 30+ with several more staff and student placements to be made leading up to the Games.
  • Funding is flowing from the funding partners; Government of Canada, Province of Saskatchewan and City of Regina
  • Several major and minor sponsors have been signed by the Host Society. Sponsorship includes cash and value in kind contributions, please check for a full list of sponsors and opportunities.
  • October 2-4, 2013: Mission Staff Meeting 2 (M2) held in Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
    • Operating plans for all services provided to participants
    • Sport and non-sport venue tours
  • November 1, 2013: Online Volunteer Registration opens, please click the link for more information:
  • January 17, 2014: 1st Registration Deadline for teams
    • Team size projections by sport, age categories and gender divisions.
    • Half of registration fees for entire team
  •  April 11, 2014: 2nd Registration Deadline for teams
    • Participant details, i.e. names, birthdates, medical, participation, etc. including alternates registered in the Host Society’s online registration system (gemspro)
    • Balance of registration fees for entire team
  •  June 13, 2013: Final Registration Deadline
    • Final rosters deadline, all active members on the team must be identified
    • Alternates are deactivated (Substitutions after this deadline can only come from alternates registered in system in April)
  • Mission Staff Meeting 3 (M3): May 12-14, 2014
    • Chef de Mission meeting for final presentations of all host societyoperational plans
    • Teams submit proof of insurance to Host Society
  • 2014 NAIG Legacy planning underway for the distribution of physical and intellectual property as well as financial surplus after the Games.
  • There are several other notable dates between November 2013 and July 2014 that involve hosting standard compliance and contractual milestones.

Another major discussion happened on November 16, 2013 regarding the future of the North American Indigenous Games.  There was open and honest reflection of the history of the NAIG, the purpose and strategic directives on how to proceed with the NAIG after 2014. 

The domestic franchise holders in Canada and the United States of America are tasked with continuing work on plans for the future of NAIG.  They will discuss domestic perspectives related to bidding and hosting standards.  Each will be hiring major games consultants to assist with the reports and proposals to help guide NAIG Council in hosting the event in both countries.  The final reports and proposals will be presented in May 2014.

Please keep up to date through our website (, facebook page ( and twitter feeds (@naigcouncil). 


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