NAIG Council Celebrates the Success of the Games

December 12, 2014


December 9, 2014


Council Prepares to Launch the Bid Process for the 2017 NAIG

The North American Indigenous Games Council met in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on November 13-15, 2014. The meeting was hosted by the Aboriginal Sport and Wellness Council of Ontario.

During its meetings, the NAIG Council received a presentation from the Regina 2014 NAIG Host Society. The Council took the opportunity to reflect on the successes of the 2014 NAIG and gave high praise to the host First Nations of the File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council, Province of Saskatchewan and the City of Regina for their tremendous hospitality. The 2014 Host Society will submit their final report to NAIG Council early in the New Year.

NAIG Council commissioned an independent firm, Praxis Consulting, to conduct a Social Impact Study of the NAIG during the 2014 Games. Praxis Consulting interviewed hundreds of participants through in person interviews and an online survey. Some notable findings include:

Sports Involvement

  • 96% of participants indicated intent to stay actively involved in competitive sport after 2014 NAIG

Lifestyle Choices

  • 97% indicated intent to maintain healthy diets post 2014 NAIG
  • 70% of athletes indicated intent to pursue at least a University degree
  • 25% of athletes indicated intent to pursue a graduate studies designation
  • 52% of participants believed NAIG had an influence or great influence on their decision to pursue further education

Self Confidence and Worth

  • 77% believed they felt different about themselves after participating in 2014 NAIG
  • 91% believe that others in their communities saw them as role models
  • 89% felt more confident from competing in 2014 NAIG

The NAIG Council will continue discussion with Praxis Consulting to interpret the data and how to best share the exciting results with our members and other supporters. The full report is 100+ pages and are just scratching the surface of the far reaching impacts of the NAIG.

The NAIG Council held its Annual General Assembly on November 14, which included the election of a new Executive Committee. The NAIG Council is pleased to announce the following appointments:

President Rick Brant Region 1 Canada (British Columbia)

Vice President Richard Blankenship Region 12 USA (Florida)

Treasurer Mike Sutherland Region 4 Canada (Manitoba)

Secretary Angela Soulor Region 9 USA (Connecticut)

Past President Dave Canadian Region 6 Canada (Eastern Door & the North)

Elder Advisor Alex Nelson British Columbia, Canada

"The value of the NAIG goes far beyond the competitive experience," stated newly elected President Rick Brant. "The results of the Social Impact Study underscore the critical role the games continue to play in supporting healthy, active lifestyles and a sense of wellbeing among Indigenous youth across Canada and the United States. So, it is with both a sense of urgency and tremendous optimism that we prepare to launch the bid process for the 2017 NAIG."

The NAIG will continue on its 3 year rotation. A Bid Committee has been formed to oversee the 2017 Bid Process, which will identify a host community by June 2015. The NAIG Council will work with all of its partners and stakeholders to ensure the continued success of the NAIG.

The North American Indigenous Games Council

NAIG Council is the International Governing Body for the NAIG exercising exclusive jurisdiction, either directly or through its affiliate members or committees, over all matters pertaining to the Games. It ensures the purposes and philosophies are reflected in all aspects of the Games.

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