The NAIG logo was designed by John Fletcher, Ron Gauthier and Terry Lusty to symbolize Aboriginal philosophy. Each element within it is symbolic.

The large outer circle represents the great Turtle Island (North America), which houses all the Creator's creations. The circle is a fundamental symbol, symbolizing the circle of life - cycle of life and death, summer and winter, day and night, male and female. It also symbolizes wholeness.

The runner in the center of the circle represents the Indigenous athlete.

The eagle feather in the runner's hair represents friendship, power, spirituality, honesty, determination, courage and strength.

The sash around the runner's waist represents the Métis Peoples.

The four eagle feathers on the four arrow shafts represent the holistic development of the athlete, essential for balance and harmony.

The four arrows represent the need to develop the mental, physical, cultural and spiritual aspects essential for well-being and complete development. Not only do they represent the four directions - north, south, east and west - but also earth, wind, fire and water. And, as 1990 Founding Chairperson Charles Wood has said, they represent the four races of human kind: Red man, Oriental, Coloured and Caucasian.

The NAIG Council has begun the process for trade marking the logo in Canada which gives the NAIG Council exclusive rights of use throughout the geographic area of Canada and/or the USA, pursuant to the relevant Trade-marks Act. It provides proof of ownership, allows Council to flag an infringement under the relevant Trade-marks Act, prevents others from using a confusingly similar trade-mark and it facilitates licensing NAIG Council's trade-mark.

Source: Canadian Heritage Information Network, 2002, Virtual Museums of Canada.

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